Textile Technologies partner with Coats® Plc to offer their full range of Coats® Pro and Industrial Sewing Threads including:
- Firefly™ Spun Meta Aramid Sewing Thread
- Firefly Fil™ Continuous Filament Meta Aramid Sewing Thread
- Pyrostar™ Long Staple Spun Meta Aramid Sewing Thread
- Flame Master™ Corespun Polyester Sewing Thread
- Helios™ C Cotton Covered Stainless Steel Sewing Thread
- Helios™ K Kevlar covered Stainless Steel Sewing Thread
- Helios™ P 100% PTFE Sewing Thread
- Protos™ Staple Fibre Para Aramid Sewing Thread
- Protos™ Fil Continuous Filament Para Aramid Sewing Thread
- Protos™ Plus Long Staple Fibre Para Aramid Sewing Thread